Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Afrikan Republic Golden Whipped Shea Butter Butter

You might remember this from my haul from Afrikaan Republic. They sent me a few products to review. And I'm so glad they sent this!!! 

Afrikan Republic claims:
Now our famous Afrikan Republic Golden Shea Butter from Ghana is available whipped. Whipped shea butter is delightful to use and apply.

100% natural Whipped Golden Shea Butter from Afrikan Republic is the perfect way to fight for your skin and chase away wrinkles, stretch marks, crows feet, eczema and psoriasis. Creamy whipped shea butter is SO EASY to spread on your skin and hai

All I have to say is "Whipped Shea Butter where have you been all my life??"

I had been using is unwhipped. Which is OK but after trying whipped I don't know if I can go back to the regular. With the un-whipped I had to dig it out, which usually means scraping my nail polish off. With this I lightly touch and get just the right amount. 

It makes putting it on a breeze.

It has that Shea Butter scent, which I like on my hair...not so much all over my body. But nothing beats this as a moisturizer. Hair, Body, Lips, Feet, Hands, Scalp...this stuff does a fantastic job.

The only thing that might be a deter you is the price. It costs $13.95 for 8 oz which is kind of expensive in relation to just buying regular shea butter.

One thing I want to make note of is that this is 100% Shea Butter. Some companies add other things in and this doesn't. So it's 100% natural.

I might try to whip up some of the Shea I have.

Other than that, if you aren't a kitchentician and can't or won't whip your own, I highly recommend it!

You can order your own at!

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