Sunday, March 6, 2022

Apple Blossom Glazed Chicken, Strawberry Ice cream, Chicken Fried Rice and Yellow Sauce Noodles

 From the title you would think I have been cooking up a storm...I guess I have. Kinda. 

Started with a pork recipe from my Harry Potter cookbook. Except I don't really eat pork so I changed it to chicken and hoped for the best. I had to modify it a bit but the end result was so good! I browned the chicken, really cooked down the sauce until it turned into a glaze, then coated the oven finished chicken in it. So good! Would 100% make again, except I would skip the cranberries. I also skipped the pickled watermelon rind. I couldn't find the recipe posted online- but it's in the Unofficial Harry Potter cookbook.

I found a sauce from yellow tomatoes on sale a few months back and decided to try it out. I made fresh noodles. It was really good...I think I'm a fan of the yellow sauce. It's a little sweeter. 

I also made a chicken stir fry- tried to jazz up a bland recipe I found online by adding garlic, onions, veggies etc. It didn't work. It was still a little bland. I also used jasmine rice, which gets a little sticky. I forgot to buy long grain. Whoops! Got the recipe here.

I also made rice cakes but they did not come out good so I am just gonna skip talking about them. 

And last...strawberry cream. My favorite flavor- along with Butter Pecan! It was sooo good. I'll be making this one again and again. It was best fresh right out the machine, it's still really good but the texture isn't as creamy today. I added vanilla sugar so mine has vanilla beans as well. You can find the recipe here...

And that's all....

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