Monday, May 2, 2022

Lemon Coconut Bars and Guacomole

 Quick post today because I'm in a hurry to go to bed. Or maybe not. I was up til 7.30 this am because I started reading the third Bridgerton book at 1 in the AM. Couldn't put it down (It's a Cinderella story basically and I love those type of stories) and finally finished it early this am. Like I didn't have to go to work today. Ughh. So then I had too much caffeine to help keep me up. I really want to read the fourth book, but I can't pull another all nighter. 

Anyway...what did I make this past week? I almost forgot. I made very ugly lemon bars. So ugly. But I knew they were going to be ugly. They weren't bad. I think they could have used more of the tangy lemon flavor. And less sugar. Compared to other lemon bars these had a lot of sugar. Did you know Lemon Bars are a very American dessert? So many desserts that I think are American tend to actually come from somewhere else thanks to the melting pot that is America. 

I did add a vanilla bean to the shortbread crust. I don't think it did anything though...

You can find the recipe here.

Then I made guacamole. I love guacamole. It's dangerous though..because I can't stop eating it once I start. I wanted to eat this whole bowl. Would definitely make less next time. They flavor was perfect...and no cilantro. Would 100% make again. I had mine with chips---and salad. But mostly chips.

You can find the recipe here. 

Now I'm off to paint my nails and go to bed. 

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