Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Choco Flan Cake, Honey Garlic Shrimp, and Glass Noodle Stir Fry

 We have officially hit cooler weather which means I'll be cooking more. Mostly I think I will be trying to get a little creative with all the stuff I already bought...gotta do the cabinet and freezer clean out. Also saves money which means more money to spend on fun stuff...

Starting with the choco-flan cake. This has been on my list for a while to make....I was originally planning to make it when I went to the states to visit my family but I didn't really make much of anything. So this just sat and sat. Also I couldn't figure out if I wanted to make the Caveat (Goat Milk Caramel) or if I wanted to buy it.. Ended up making it and was surprised how easy it was...and also how good it is! I was eating it by the spoonful...definitely different from any other caramel I have had. 

I scaled the cake to a six inch size (just halved it really).  I just wasn't sure I wanted a whole 10 inch cake. Also I don't have a cake pan with high enough sides. But anyway...I made the cake part, made the flan...put them together and baked in a water bath. Let it cool an hour...and turned it out. Unfortunately the flan was mostly unset and the caramel did not come out perfectly, it stayed in the pan. I did try the cake that day and almost threw it out...the cake part was too espresso tasting and the flan tasted like egg that first day. But I'm glad I did not throw it away because after a day in the fridge some sort of magic happened and the cake had the perfect coffee chocolate flavor with the best flan I have ever had. I ate the whole cake over the three day weekend and wish I had more. It was an ugly- but delicious cake.

Next up I made Honey Garlic Shrimp. It's been a minute since I made any shrimp and honey garlic sounded amazing...I just googled a random recipe and did my own thing. Next time I think I would add Bourbon....

And last up I had some Glass Noodles hanging out in the cabinet for months and months and figured I would use them up. I just threw some veggies I had in the fridge in along with soy sauce and sesame oil and a few other things. Added some chicken and there it is....I should make this more often. 

Can't wait to jump into the next couple of recipes.....

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