Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ancestry DNA Update #9

 I fell asleep early today...I'm only up now because I had the most awful nightmare. I'm trying to forget about it, because I also keep trying to interpret it and find out what it means and I don't like what I keep coming up with. So this is my distraction.

Ancestry DNA updated a couple months back and I'm torn between wanting to keep updating so I have a record of everything and just letting it go. But the updates are fun so for now I'll continue. Here's what I have: 

I have 19 regions now. That's insane. It just goes up and up! 

Quick Summary:

Lost a percent for Nigeria. Went from 20% to 19%

Portugal Keeps Creeping up. Went from 13% to 18% Wow

Benin and Togo- Also has increased. Went from 9% to 15%. Before I got my results I used to guess this region would be my highest! 

Mali is still coming up 4th. Decreased from 12% to 8%

Sengal is the same at 6%. Cool

Central West Africa is new at 6%. It seems they generalized some DNA? Hmmm.

Central Nigeria is new. I wonder why it isn't included in Nigeria. I should probably look into that. Also 6%

Western Bantu is also 6%. So many of those.  I think that one is new.

Ivory Coast and Ghana is 3%. Finally getting some Ghana back. It used to be my highest when I first took the test. It has decreased from the last update. 

Indigenous Puerto Rico is 2%. It has also gone up.

England and Northwestern Europe has increased by 1%

Scotland is 2%

Yorubaland was very exciting to see. I have to see which of my parents that came from! 

The rest of these are all 1%- Cameroon, Southern Bantu People, Eastern Bantu People, Ashkenazi Jews, Germanic Europe, The Netherlands 

Cool update! I can't wait to see what the next one brings! 

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