Sunday, March 2, 2025

Royal and Langnickel Omnia BOM-31 Pointed Powder Brush Review

 My Sunday is going really well so far....I have some beans cooking away on the stove. I'm trying to get back to eating beans like I did years ago- mostly for health. And they are easy to grab through the week to add extra protein to a meal. Also I can easily take it to work and avoid eating "junk" like I had been. It was starting to turn into a really bad habit. I've been pretty good about it the past couple of weeks and am trying to keep it that way.

But on to my newest powder brush. Which is not so new anymore. I've had it a couple years now. But I like to use my brushes before reviewing. 

Omnia claims: 

This plush powder brush comes to a tapered tip, great for precision powder application to all areas of the face. Set makeup, apply luminous powder, or gently contour with this perfectly-sized brush.

OMNIA® GOLD is the next-generation of professional makeup brushes. Each brush uses only the finest quality natural hair. This hair is meticulously selected and incredibly soft while still maintaining the density needed to pick up and deposit product with accuracy and precision. Every brush is handcrafted to perfection, creating the finest brush possible, exceeding all expectations.

I love a big fluffy powder brush. They just always feel so luxurious and glamorous to me. I don't use them as they were intended- they were originally meant to knock excess powder off the face. Mostly I tend to use them for bronzer and blush. I don't typically use them for powder because I like to "press" powder in. I might use them to do an overall blend too. 

I like this brush. It is all natural- probably goat hair. It's very soft. And it's got the point which is similar to my favorite powder brush from MAC- MAC 138.  I love that brush from MAC- it's always the one I travel with. When I saw this I picked it up because the MAC is long discontinued. Or if they still make it the bristles are now synthetic and I much prefer natural bristled brushes. 

This is not a dupe or really even that similar. But I am glad to have it in the collection. It can give you a softer more diffuses application because it picks up powders softly. So it's harder to get unblended harsh lines. For blush I get a pretty diffused look. It is large so it will cover a larger area. But I am always happy with the way my blush looks when I use this. As for bronzer, it also does that well. It's a more soft diffused looked. I love that because sometimes you see people with horrible blended, helmet head dirty looking bronzer. I can't stand that look. You can't get that with this brush.

The brush is very soft. Softer than the MAC one. But it does shed quite a bit. I feel like I am picking little white hairs off my face quite often.

I also am not a fan of the gold handles. They have that rubbery feel and eventually it will peel off and just looks tacky overall. It doesn't age well.

Aside from that issue, it's a nice brush. I'm glad to have it in my collection. The price is much higher than what I paid for it now...but Omnia used to have great sales- 30 to 40 percent off. I don't think it's worth it at full price but if you can get it on sale- it would be more worth it. 

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