Sunday, December 10, 2023

Queen Latifah


I grew up watching Queen Latifah on Living Single so I didn't even realize she had albums until much later. Even though I do remember after one episode they played her music video. A few years back, I thought I would give her albums a listen. It's rare that radio stations that play Hip Hop oldies play women MC's. You always hear the same songs by men over and over....

Anyway, I have three songs to share by The Queen. The first one is my favorite....U.N.I.T.Y. It's exactly the type of song I would love-. first of all the saxophone. I'm a sucker for hip hop with a sax. I remember seeing this video after one of the Living Single episodes. I never made the connection that it was a real song 😆 This is probably a song every young woman should listen to...

Next up, Fly Girl. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one. Queen was really trying to speak positivity and sense into young women. I love that about her music. I really need to take a few months and just listen to all the lady MC's from the 80's and 90's. I need more music like this in my life. I love every live performance of this song.

Last song is Set it Off. This samples a very catchy addictive song and comes from the movie of the same name. Which is probably one of my favorite movies. I watched Set It Off Way too young, I was in my brothers room and he had friends over and that's what they were watching. He never really let me hang around with him or his friends so even though that movie scared the mess out of me and was highly inappropriate for my age, I watched the whole thing. I finally watched again once I was an adult and saw so many different messages and meanings- I could write research papers off of it. It definitely inspired similar movies but they don't touch Set It Off. I need to check out the rest of this groups music...I have it under Queen Latifah cause she was featured but should probably fix that.

Annnnd that's all..until the next music post.

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