Monday, August 12, 2024

Salted Caramel Ice cream and Korean Beef Bowl

 I'm so tired I just want to go directly to bed. But if I go to bed now, I'll be up at about 1:00 a.m and then prolly stay up for a couple hours before I can catch a nap for work. So ....I have to stay up. Maybe I'll get a sip of caffeine. Anyway....I've finally got two recipe posts. It's been a minute since I have done one because I have been cooking but I didn't take any pics of what I made in the states and haven't really made much since I've been back. 

I attempted to make this ice cream before I left but it was a fail. The ice cream was very good- definitely different in that it used two egg yolks. The salted caramel is where it went wrong. I was just having an off day and it didn't cook long enough...wasn't the right color, so I added butter and tried again...and I think I overcooked it because it became a harder caramel like Werther's caramel candy but tasted better and fresher. So it hardened and there was no way to swirl it into the churning ice cream. So I gave up. I wouldn't make this recipe again because I think the instruction on the caramel could be better. I need temperatures. 

I also somehow deleted the pic of the ice cream. Whoops! But here is the recipe.

Off topic but I have been eating more ice cream than usual lately- I bought some Haagen Das Strawberry and it really does not even compare to fresh ice cream. It's really worth it to make your own when you have a good recipe. 

And then I made a Korean Beef Bowl. I had some ground beef that I needed to use and was too lazy to make anything that would take a lot of effort. So I found this recipe, gave it a try....and I love it. I've made it a couple times and had not posted it so I figured I would go ahead and do so.  I'm not sure if this is the recipe I always use but a few times I have made it and made it very spicy. I mostly follow the recipe- except I use gochuchang instead of red pepper flakes now. 

And that's all for now....

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