Monday, January 25, 2021


 I've already done a post of Gerald Levert (one of my faves!) so today it's time to post on a group he was in and my favorite songs by the group. 

If you don't know the group and you listen to old school stations, you might be familiar with Casanova. I feel like I heard it quite a bit on the radio even before I really knew who the group was. It has that feel good 80's vibe. Also, I have the strangest urge to buy a track suit. Hmm.

Pop, Pop, Pop (Goes My Mind) is one of my dad's it's an inherited favorite. I don't think this  performance was live or something seems off. Look how young Gerald is though!

ABC, 123 is my absolute favorite Levert song. I love, love, love this performance. Gerald brought his A game, look at that stage presence. That voice (melts). Sean did his thing here too! 

Addicted to You is the jam too! 

Baby I'm Ready is another one of my favorites. Maybe my 2nd Favorite Levert song. I'm in my happy place listening to all these songs. I love this group!

All Seasons gives me chills. I'm having a moment listening to his voice, I know I already said it, but Geralds voice is heaven. I love the other group members too...but I dunno. Something about Gerald. 

I really wanted to workout after writing this post..but IDK if I can now, I feel like I've been sucked into wanting to watch all their live performances. 

If you love old school and you don't know these songs, check them out! 

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