Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Unicorn Poop Nail Manicure (Gradient Nails)

Interesting Name, huh?

I kinda stole the name from the Unicorn Poop cookies. If you haven't you should youtube or google them. They look so cute.

I originally watched this video here because I wanted to try gradient nails. But as you can see mine didn't really turn out like hers did. 

I did use the technique and if I had know it was that easy I would have tried it a long time ago. I always thought that you had to use some sort of spray gun or something.

To do this I just painted my nails white. Took a make-up wedge sponge and painted three colors on then sponged it on.My pink and purple kind of blended into each other but that was fine. 

Then to finish it I painted two coats of glitter over top. 

And TADA...unicorn poop nails. 

Maybe one day soon I will attempt the cookies. But they look like a lot of work and I'm kind of lazy.