Monday, July 1, 2013

July 2013 Fitness Goals

I have been working out. But I haven't lost any weight. (I think this is because I've been doing strength training and have been gaining muscle). So I decided it's time to get serious. I got on the scale and I'm basically back at the weight I was two years ago...before I was horrified and dropped the twenty pounds in a few months.  Yes I said twenty pounds.

So I decided to post monthly updates and goals. Just as extra motivation to me!

Overall July Goal: Lose 10 pounds. 

Mini Goals:

1. Drink mostly water. I'm a juice-holic. I've already been drinking nothing but water for the past couple of days and it isn't as hard as I thought it was. Now I want to stick it out the rest of the month.

2. Strength train every other day. I've already been doing this for a couple months but I just want to make sure I stick with it. I already feel much stronger. I've been using an old VHS that looks old school but it's getting the results. So I'll continue using it.

3. Perform 1 hour of physical activity every day. I'll mostly be doing the Xbox Kinect Zumba Fitness Rush. I just bought it last week and have been doing it everyday! I love it so far. I may even do a review on it. 

In addition to all of that I am going to limit my calories to about 1300-1500 a day.

Here's to hoping I can stay motivated. I bought a couple of different games for the XBOX and I will be using those also but for this month I'll mostly focus on ZUMBA. 

I have a little journal for me to document everything and that will serve as extra motivation.

Here's to hoping I can keep myself motivated!!!!

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