Sunday, September 17, 2023

Pumpkin Bread Pudding, Cauldron Cakes, Cinnamon Raisin Bread

 Already have another three things I have made and ready to post! 

First up Pumpkin Bread Pudding. I needed a way to use up the rest of the Pumpkin I pureed and came across this recipe. I've made about two different bread puddings- I need to make more because they are always surprisingly good. I LOVED this. I made it 2x but the first time was better because I used less bread. If you love Pumpkin- make this. I added Walnuts to it. I'm not usually a Pumpkin fan but this is great! 

Next up Cauldron Cakes. A recipe from the Unofficial Harry Potter cookbook. They are really just pancakes. I wouldn't make them again because they cook up to be flat and thin. You would have to add flour but then you would be making a ton of pancakes. I like a fluffy, thick cake and this just didn't deliver. I did like the flavor though, you add lemon zest which gives it such a lovely lemon flavor. I definitely need to try that in a different pancake recipe. The batter tasted like lemon cake batter though. Yum. 

You can see how flat they are in the picture. I made beef bacon and eggs to go alongside them for a full breakfast. I've definitely made better looking pancakes than these before though...

I spent a good chunk of today making bagels. This makes my 2nd attempt at bagels and they came out ok...they taste super fresh, great bagel texture and spring. Also a bit ugly....butthey have a chewy inside and crisp outside straight out the oven. They aren't sweet enough for me though. I think they needed some extra honey AND cinnamon. I would possible make again with those changes...

They look so grotesque 😂

And that's all for this post with all it's ugly (yet edible) food....

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