Friday, August 17, 2018

Groove Theory

I didn't know about Groove Theory until my freshman year of college. I'm still not sure how I stumbled on them but once I heard Tell Me, that was it. I'm pretty sure I learned all the lyrics that first day I heard the song. I had to listen to more.

I think it was a minute before I realized they were a duo, and I honestly think they broke up too soon.  She wrote the lyrics, he made the beats. But listening to Groove Theory led me into discovering Amel's solo music which is also good, but I do miss those beats.

Other favorites by the group include Baby Luv (my summer car riding jam), Keep Trying, and Never Enough from the Love Jones soundtrack.

Also can we just take a minute to recall how FINE,  Bryce from the group is. He was in Beauty Shop. I wish the clip was more clear. But it will do. It's been awhile since I've seen it anyway, I might need to watch it again.

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