Thursday, March 21, 2019

Chagrin Valley Ayurvedic Herb Shampoo Bar Review

My poor neglected blog. I've been meaning to get a few posts done but I have been mega busy! I'm really excited about today's post though. Chagrin Valley is a brand I have wanted to try since I've gone natural (2008!). I guess I haven't really tried it because I don't normally order hair stuff...which is changing now. Back in the day, I chose to try the Anita Grant shampoo bars over these but the price is so high now and the exchange rate doesn't really help so I decided to go with this. And I'm really glad I finally did. The bar was $9.50 and the size is nice at 5.8 oz.

Chagrin Valley claims:
A rich oil infusion of Ayurvedic hair care herbs creates a nourishing all natural shampoo that helps enhance the quality of your hair. A rich oil infusion of Ayurvedic hair care herbs creates a nourishing all natural shampoo.

 This shampoo contains shikaki, bhringaraj, neem, tulsi and amla, a complete package of nourishing and beneficial herbs to enhance the quality of your hair.
  • Shikakai, referred to as the “fruit for the hair,” gently cleans hair and increases bounciness and silkiness
  • Bhringraj considered the "king of herbs" for hair growth, helps strengthen the hair shaft
  • Amla promotes stronger, healthier new growth
  • Hibiscus flowers help in the treatment of dandruff and hair loss
  • Aritha cleans hair without drying and helps create a fabulous lather
  • Enriched with organic mango butter and avocado oil
  • Coconut milk, widely used in India as a deep conditioning treatment for hair, imparts silkiness and shine to hair
  • The warm sensuous essential oil blend compliments the rich fragrance of the infused ayurvedic herbs
  • Great for hair that needs body 
A sulfate free, silicone free, paraben free natural shampoo
My very first impression of the bar wasn't great because I didn't like the scent.  It smelled...herbal. But when I actually used it and as I kept sniffing the bar, I started to really like it. I love the scent can definitely smell it when you are using it but I don't think it lingers much after you rinse. Which is fine. I have scented hair oils for that! 

Shampoo bars have a bit of a learning curve with learning how to lather it up but they aren't too difficult. I like to lather it in my hands AND hair and scrub it all around and then let it sit a bit before I rinse it out. It makes a nice lather-maybe not as much as commercial liquid shampoos but I don't mind.
The first thing I noticed was less hair fall. I barely lost any hair. My hair was easy to comb through and felt like I had conditioned it already. In fact, I've used it four times and skipped conditioner each time I used it. They do recommend an ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) rinse, which I have done once. It made my hair feel hard while it was drying but once it was dry it was ridiculously soft. Also my new growth feels so silky and my scalp looks healthy! 
I cut the bar into pieces that way it will last longer. This way you aren't getting the whole bar wet and preventing it from melting down quickly. Cutting it will ensure you get many uses out of it! 
The ingredients are excellent. Completely natural and I don't think you could find a bar with better ingredients anywhere. The ingredients are organic.
I highly recommend this bar and it's definitely one of the best shampoos I have ever used in my hair. It comes from a company that is full of integrity. And no plastic packaging! I have already placed another order...I want to try ALL of their products now.

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