Thursday, March 21, 2019

Vitamix French Onion Soup

Soup time! This time...french onion. I feel like I've seen a lot of french onion soups but I've never actually tried one. For years and years, onions got a lot of hate from me. It wasn't until I started cooking that I started liking onions. But even though onions are OK with me, I still wasn't sure how I would like onion's a lot of onions.

I watched a couple of vids on onion soup and noticed how different this recipe is from most others. The onions are pureed instead of kept whole and also the onions aren't really caramelized. I did try to cook the onions longer that they said in the book.

I used veggie stock instead of beef stock and I think maybe the stock I used was bit on the salty side.

I also switched out the Swiss cheese for Gruyere. I hate Swiss. Gruyere is a little better to me and I know it's super melty.

Overall the soup was decent. I might make it family did really like it and it does tend to taste better if you let the soup sit a day or two then add the bread and cheese and broil.

I'm glad I tried it though....

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