Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Zum Betsey Bar Goat Milk Soap Review

First things first, I love brands that feature a product where some or all of the proceeds go to Charity. It's an easy way to help donate some money while getting a product in return. I didn't know the backstory for this particular soap before I bought it but you can read the story behind the soap on the website if you want. It's very inspirational and I love reading stories where people beat out Cancer. 

Zum claims:
Betsy Bar fights dirty with clean. Plus for every Betsy Bar purchased, we give 1.00 to Turning Point: The Center for Hope and Healing.
  • Essential oils
  • Plant-based, simple ingredients
  • The floral lavender combined with the citrusy lemon essential oils work to help relax stiff muscles.

You get a really cute swirly bar that is scented Lavender and Lemon. I was super excited about the scent because Lavender and  Lemon was one of my favorite candle scents from Yankee Candle back in the day.

But the scent didn't really do it for me. I didn't get a zesty punch of lemon or any discernible Lavender. It just smells faintly of essential oils..but the scent wasn't very strong nor was it particularly memorable. Not my cup of tea but it could be for someone else.

As for the soap itself...the lather is nice, rich, thick. But the soap melts away way too quickly. I think this is the quickest melting of any of the Zum soaps. I barely got a week! was pretty drying. Some days my skin would recover and produce it's own moisture...most days it didn't and I just had dry skin.

Saponified 100% food grade olive, coconut, palm & castor oils, in a goat's milk base, with essential oils and mineral pigments. Enjoy!

Because it's a charitable bar and it gives back I wanted to love it so that I could recommend it to everyone, but unfortunately for me it just wasn't that great. 

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