Friday, April 19, 2019

Game of Thrones Black Bread

Speak of Game of Thrones....I made another recipe from the website. Beer bread. I was intrigued by the recipe as soon as I read that is contained bread. I've made stews and soups with beer but never bread. 

I've been struggling with my cooking lately and I was hoping the struggle was over..but I forgot the add salt into the first batch. And you could really taste the absence of the salt so with the 2nd half I made sure to kneed the salt in.

The dough was kind of dry and hard to knead because of the addition of the wheat and rye flour. It was an arm workout for sure, but I didn't mind.

I used Dragon's Milk beer. How fitting. The beer added some chocolatey/malt/vanilla flavor  notes  and some complexity. I liked the flavor although it did take some getting used to.

I made four mini loaves the first day and baked the next four the following day. 

I would certainly attempt it again and didn't think it came out bad. I just think I need a little bit more practice with wheat breads. 

Or maybe just  working with Rye Flour since I think it was my very first time.

It certainly came out pretty!

Check out the recipe here for yourself. 

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