Saturday, April 27, 2019

Plantlife Allspice Oil Review

Blogging is the best distraction for when I feel sad. We just found out my grandma passed away yesterday and my parents flew out this morning so I'm just trying to keep my mind busy anyway I can. I don't have much else to say about it, so I'll jump into the review. 

Plantlife claims: 
Latin: Pimenta dioica 
Aroma: Warm, spicy
Origin: Europe,  Asia

                                 Note Classification: Middle
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

                                                              Parts Used:        Berries

Allspice has a spicy and warm aroma. It is mainly used externally in massage to help relieve aching joints and muscles. It is a warming oil which helps improve circulation, digestion, reduce cellulite and is calming for nerves and promotes sleep. It is also a stimulant and aphrodisiac and is used internally for bacterial and viral infections, colds, and flatulence. Its properties include antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, and antiparasitic.
Blends well with: Bay Leaf, Black Pepper, Carrot Seed, Cistus, Clove Bud, Coriander, Geranium, Ginger, Guaiac Wood, Lavender, Neroli, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang
Cautions: Should be used thoroughly diluted. Avoid use during pregnancy. 
Never use essential oils undiluted or in eyes or mucus membranes. Do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep away from children and pets. If applying an essential oil to the skin, always dilute and perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body.
This information is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

I found this on clearance a couple of years back in the TJ Max. I got it for only $2...which is a bargain! They had a couple of other oils like Cardamom and Cinnamon that I didn't pick up because they looked like they had been tampered with, if they hadn't I would have snapped those up too.

I've used Allspice for a variety of things over the years. First, I added it to my facial oils. I read this is a great antioxidant oil, and it helped to make the oils smell really nice. Because it is a strong oil you only need the tiniest amount diluted in about an ounce of carrier oil. It was a treat to put on at night because of the scent. I don't know if it did anything miraculous to my skin but it certainly didn't hurt anything so I would definitely use it again. Especially because it was nice to use at night since it does have a calming effect.

I also like to use it in a diffuser. I have read warnings that you have to be careful when diffusing. I haven't had any issues but I thought I would repeat the warning. I usually diffuse when I start feeling a bit under the weather and it seems to knock any oncoming illness out by the next morning. Yay for not getting sick!

I have read that Allspice is really good for an upset stomach but I haven't had much luck with that. 

You can also use it for pain but I prefer Eucalyptus for that.

The oil is on the thicker side. Kind of orange colored and smells divine. Like vanilla, cinnamon, and all the spices in one. It's a nice one to mix with other spicy oils or just vanilla. 

I love Allspice oil and I think Plantlife is a good brand, however it is pricey if you purchase full price.  The list price on the website is $13.40 for 10 ml.  Plant Therapy beats that and offers free shipping and when I run out I would probably order from there over Plantlife. 

Overall, it was a bargain for the price I got it for and I do really love Allspice. It's not in my top five must have oils but it is a good one to experiment with and one that I would eventually purchase again when I finally run out (it lasts forever!) 

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