Wednesday, April 17, 2019

India Arie

I jumped on the India Arie fan train my freshman year of college. Before that the only song I really remember listening to is the song I Am Not My Hair. It's not my favorite India song (because she has some amazing songs) but to this day I love the message of the song and will still bump it.

My absolute favorite India Song- The Truth. I loved it so much it was my ringtone at one point. I remember back in the day friends thinking it was my special ringtone for a then boyfriend  and thinking I was in love with him or something. Really I just loved this song (The Lyrics...sigh)  and it was my ringtone for everyone. Haha.

My second favorite India song- Brown Skin. There was a struggle for me growing up being comfortable in my own deeper skintone. It wasn't until "the problem" was removed from my life that I woke up (I'm woke ya'll) that I realized how truly beautiful brown skin is. And I love this makes me so happy to be in the skin...and I love the appreciation it shows for brown skinned men (my favorite!).

Then we have Back to the Middle. This performance made me love the song. It truly is magical.

Of course, we have Ready For Love. I feel this song in my soul too. It's a beautiful song.

And I have to post this...because I love Elmo. And I love India. And I love this video.

Other favorites include:

I Am Not My Hair
There's Hope - This song just makes me happy!
Good Man
Get It Together- This song makes me emotional
Strength, Courage, and Wisdom
The Heart of the Matter
Beautiful Flower

These are songs that are a MUST on my India Arie playlist. A lot of her songs just speak to me and I love some of the messages in her music.

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