Sunday, July 7, 2019

Princess and the Frog: Skillet Cornbread

Back from a mini break. I’ve been blogging pretty consistently and actually was going to keep it up but I just ended up tired and needing a recharge. 

So today... cornbread. I love cornbread. I grew up on jiffy but I’ve definitely had my share of homemade cornbread as well. I’ve just never made it. I’m not sure why. It’s pretty simple to make. You just need a good recipe.

This is not a good recipe....

I made it twice just to double check. There is too much moisture in the bread and it tastes eggy. 

I do like that it’s not really sweet. But that’s all I really liked.

I made a meatless chili to go with it that came out really great. Win for homemade chili. Loss for cornbread.

I got the recipe from The Princess and the Frog cookbook. I’ve found most of the recipes  to be great... just not this one. 

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