Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sesame Honey Bread

Continuing on with bettering my baking I made Sesame Honey Bread. I've made loaf style bread a couple of times and it never really came out great for me. 

Until today.

The ingredients were a pain to shop for. It has so many things in it that I've never put into bread before. It has semolina flour (I'm going to make pizza dough with the leftover flour), milk powder (I used coconut milk powder because I couldn't find regular), and potato flour. 

I think potato flour or flakes is some sort of magical ingredient as it made the bread come out so soft and I think it extends shelf life of the loaf as well. Back in Maryland they had an Amish Market that sold loaves of bread with potato flour as an ingredients and those loaves had the same softness as this.

I weighed out all the ingredients for accuracy. I ended up having to add quite a bit more flour as the dough was pretty sticky. It was easy to knead together and the most time consuming was the rising of the dough. Two rises! 

So the bread came out great! The best part was the honey topping...although I could do without the extra sesame seeds on top. I did like the ones that were baked into the loaf though. It has a nice sesame flavor.

Overall, I think I will make it again (without the topping) and am looking forward to trying to out more loaf recipes with the magical additional of potato flour. 

The recipe came from King Arthur Flour. Click here to check it out yourself!


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