Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Zum Lavender Rosemary Goat's Milk Soap Review

Today I have yet another Zum soap review. With Lavender. I feel like I've reviewed most of the soaps  from the brand with Lavender. They have a lot of soaps with Lavender. In the natural soap world Lavender in king. 

Zum claims:
Lavender brings the sweet ambrosial and floral flights, while rosemary punches your nose in camphoric and woodsy hooks.

I was pretty excited about the combination of Lavender and Rosemary. They seem like two scents that would go really well together. In reality...I can't stand it. I'm not sure what it is about the scent combination but it's not for me. It reminds me of the Sappo Hill Lavender soap. I hated that soap and couldn't figure out how the scent could be Lavender- now that I've smelled this it may have been a Lavender Rosemary combination. Blech! 

The rest of the soap was a lot like most of the other goat milk soaps. This one was dark purple with dried rosemary sprigs on the top. You can use them to exfoliate  but it is kind of harsh.
Otherwise the soap isn't drying...it's not hydrating either. It melts quickly as they all do. And it cleans pretty well.

As always...ingredients are all natural. At least I think they are. I'm still not 100 percent sure on what the goat milk base it. Is it just Goat Milk?

Overall...not my favorite. I think I might try to make an oil mixing Lavender and Rosemary and seeing if they smell as bad as it does in the soap. I don't think it will...and I can always salvage it by adding some Peppermint as the three oils all together it one of my very favorite combinations. 

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