Monday, October 28, 2019

Plant Therapy Bouquet Synergy Review

I was extra in the mood to make halloween cookies this weekend. But I forgot to buy butter and then couldn't decide which type of cookie to make. So I didn't make any. But I'm still in the mood to bake something....blueberry muffins or waffles. Maybe I'll finally make up my mind by tomorrow.

Plant Therapy claims:
Bouquet is the perfect blend to brighten your day. Delightful and easy on the senses, this blend is sure to give you a refreshing aroma that can be used in a variety of ways. It offers the fresh, floral scents of Lavender and Palmarosa, combined with the zesty citrus scents of Mandarin and Lemon, and topped off with the tranquil, soft, woodsy scent of Ho Wood. It is sure to provide a boost of energy and a breath of fresh air to elate the mind. 
Each essential oil that was chosen to create Bouquet was selected because of their therapeutic properties as well as their glorious, natural aroma. The revitalizing qualities of Mandarin and Lemon will elevate you up from daily worries and stresses. Lavender, Palmarosa and Ho Wood are used to promote tranquility by giving you a sense of lightness and ease.

This is definitely not a blend I was drawn to on my own. I really only bought it because it was a $5 add on. Not much to lose for an add on. Anything that sounds usually something I don't want. No matter how many floral scents I come across and like, I'm still kind of scared of the sharp, head ache inducing floral I used to constantly come across. 

Luckily..this isn't floral at all. It's smells like citrus. Like a nice spring time citrus with bitter grapefruit. But there's no grapefruit. Which was kind of shocking to me! 

I'm not familiar with some of the single oils- Palmarosa, Mandarin, or Ho Wood. So I'm not sure if either of those is dominating the blend. It just smells really nice and fresh.

I've really only had luck with diffusing this one. And because it's a little lighter I like to add 5-8 drops to make it nice and strong! 

I've tried to make a scented oil, but the scent didn't come through. I probably could have added more oil though. I did notice it had a really calming affect. I would put it on and want to crawl right into bed. I did think the punchy citrus would sort of energize me. It's kind of weird that it doesn't! 

Not one I would gravitate to but I actually do really like it. I think it would smell amazing with a drop of patchouli. In fact, I think I'm gonna try it out.


This video is hilarious to me. I thought I would share. Also...the women are really gorgeous as well.

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