Saturday, October 26, 2019

Lentil Cream Soup and Spinach & Mushroom Quiche

I think it's official, 9-1-1 is one of my favorite shows that is airing now. I work 10 hours shifts (4 days) so I don't watch through the week, I just catch up at the end of the week. Usually on Friday. I watched this week's episode was heavy. I was 😭. It really does try to address current issues...and reminded me so much of the first time I watched Cornbread, Earl, and Me. I was in middle school...I remember thinking how grateful I was that things had changed. But things haven't changed, it's exactly the same, if not worse than back then. If you haven't seen the show, I highly recommend it.

Last weekend was a great cooking weekend for me. I mentioned before how I wanted to try and make at least two new recipes. It used to be that I could only make so much in the kitchen before I would start messing up. Nowadays I can multi-task a lot more and don't run out of "cooking energy" quite so fast. 

So I made Lentil Cream soup and Spinach & Mushroom Quiche and they both came out really good.

I kinda forgot how much I like Lentil Beans. I need to add it into my rotation. Because it reheats well (great to take to work), tastes amazing, is healthy, and stores well. I was missing a lot of the ingredients it called for...but soup recipes are forgiving so I left out a couple things and it still came out amazing. I was so glad I doubled the recipe! 

I left out the parsley root, the red chili pepper, and the celery root. I also simmered it on the stove forever to really let the flavors meld together. I think it tastes much better when you do that. I blended most of it in the Vitamix. But left a little chunkiness. 

Overall it was excellent. 

I served mine with curry salmon. I was gonna steam some veggies but got really lazy at the last minute. Whoops!

Click here for the Lentil Recipe.

I was on the fence about making the quiche because I made one a couple years ago and didn't find it good or worth making. But since it had been a couple years...I figured I could give it another go. It was lot of work.

I made the crust first. Which was pretty easy. It was a little different though because you use egg as a binder. It was a tad dry when I was putting it together and I should have added just a splash of water...but I didn't. It still came out good. 

The filling was pretty easy. Just cooked the spinach and mushroom, and mixed the filling. Baked it for about 35 minutes. It took quite a bit of time. Quiche's are hard work! 

I ate my first piece hot out the oven and wasn't that impressed. I thought it was bland. The next day is when it really was good. It's like some sort of magic happened letting it sit in the fridge over night. Super quick and easy to warm before work. 

And the spinach and mushroom part of it was actually good. I'm not a big fan of either but ended up liking it anyway.

I thought I was going to have it for quite awhile but my mom ate most of it before I had a chance. 

I think it was supposed to be made in a tart pan but I didn't have one so I made it in a regular pie dish. It isn't the nicest looking thing...but it tasted nice anyway. 

Click here for the recipe.

I've had Tracy Spender's Tender Kisses on repeat this week. I watched the episode of Family Matters where Eddie Winslow sings along with Tracy and it's been stuck in my head ever since. Why don't they make music like this anymore?

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