Thursday, October 24, 2019

Zum Bar Cedar Goat Milk Soap Review

And one more post...hopefully after that I will be skipping into dreamland. 'Cause I'm exhausted and it's almost four o' clock in the a.m. Anyway....cedar soap. I don't think I've had anything Cedar scented. Except the essential oil...which is said to be amazing for sleep. And actually..I have used it for sleep. And it was kinda amazing. Maybe I should dig around and use some now....

Zum claims:
Saponified 100% food grade olive, coconut, palm & castor oils, in a goat's milk base, with essential oils and mineral pigments. Enjoy!

So....this smells exactly like Allspice and Clove essential oil. I get none of the cedar. And at first I was upset excited about it. Because I like a nice spicy scent. For some reason this just doesn't do anything for me. It's just a really boring scent. Maybe it's more geared towards men? 

I was at least hoping to get a really calming effect off of it.

I did try it on my face and no breakouts whatsoever. Which is good because for a minute I was in breakout city. 

It is slightly drying. But since I've been pretty faithful to Shea skin hasn't been dry, dry. It lathers well, cleans OK.

The colors are pretty cool. For some reason I'm always tickled by "black" soap. 

It's just an OK one for me. Not one I would get again nor recommend. 

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