Sunday, November 3, 2019

Camp Napa Culinary Chilled Avocado Soup and Honey Garlic Chicken Thighs

I was really in the mood for Halloween this year. For some reason I really wanted to dress up and hand out candy....but of course I had to work. I usually like to watch a bunch of Halloween movies as well. Which didn't happen-so this weekend I've been having Halloween weekend. I've been trying to watch all of the classics.

I think I might watch IT tonight since I saw it on Netflix and I meant to watch it when it first came out years ago but forgot.

Anyway...last weekend I made an avocado soup. I LOVE avocados. For awhile I was eating half of one a day. There are many creative things you can do with them. One time I made icing with them. But that's as creative as I've gotten. 

I've never heard of avocado soup but I'm game to try almost anything. It was a Vitamix recipe and only took a couple of minutes to throw together. All I did was throw 2 avocados, 1/2 cup sour cream, skipped cilantro, 1 1/2 inch of ginger, 1/2 lime, 1 tsp of Asian chili sauce, 1 tsp salt, and 5 cups chicken broth. Blend, blend, blend.


Throw in some chopped roasted peppers and sprinkle nutmeg on top. And done.

So easy. And so nasty. I really tried to give it a chance but the flavor was nasty and I'm not into cold soups. I would never make it again.

To go with it I made honey garlic chicken thighs. They were super easy. Except I accidentally added Fish sauce instead of soy sauce in the beginning. My bad. I realized my mistake when I caught a whiff of the sauce. Fish sauce smells HORRIBLE. I added some soy sauce and a little more honey and let it boil and it came out really great.

Amazing actually. There is salty and sweet and lots of garlic punch.

I think this is the best chicken thigh recipe I've ever made. And I would 100% make it again..

Click here for the recipe.

So half of what I made came out great. You win some and you lost some!

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