Monday, November 18, 2019

Eden's Garden Citrus Cream Synergy Review

I've read a few times about how aromatherapy can help with conditions such as anxiety and depression- help and not cure. I will be the first person to break out the oil for a headache or some minor ache and pain but ...the other stuff I wasn't too sure about. Last month....I was just a really sad person. 

Last October my cousin died. I wasn't close with him. He was close to my brother. But I liked seeing him every now and again at a family reunion, or thinking back to when I would tag along with him and my brother those couple of weeks we spent at my grandpa's in North Carolina as a child. I think the way someone dies can really ...affect you. My cousin was killed in the early morning/late night hours. He was run over by two vehicles when he was riding his motorcycle. It's horrible thinking how he died alone, with no one there. Just alone, in the cold, dark, street. What's worse is that the two people that hit him never came forward, they ran him over and left.  And have gotten away with it. There aren't even really words to describe how it makes me feel.

When I think about him, I automatically start thinking of my grandma. She passed away in April. Sometimes I will forget she passed away..and I'll think "I haven't heard from her in awhile." Then I'll remember she passed away. One night I was looking through my phone because she had left me a few voicemails when I still lived in the states and I just wanted to hear them. Just to hear her voice. I couldn't find them. Which made it all worse.

All the sadness I felt and I still never thought to bring out any of my oils. BUT I did happen to use orange oil once a few months and it did work...somewhat. I went to my grandmas funeral earlier in the year . I had only been to one funeral as a child and have avoided them ever since. But I went to my grandmothers. I started crying and crying before I even got into the church. It was hard. Every time I looked at the casket, more tears would come. I was a wreck. My nose was running everywhere. I made a hand sanitizer with orange oil, so I took that out to use so my hands could at least be clean. And for about five minutes after I used it...I stopped crying. I just kinda sat there. I didn't feel happy...I just didn't feel as bad. But the affects were really temporary. 

So maybe aromatherapy can help. But if you are having issues with your mental health, absolutely see a professional doctor and don't rely on aromatherapy/oils to make you better. Sometimes people tout oils as a miracle drug and it just isn't true.

Eden's Garden Citrus Cream is one my favorite blends, especially when it comes to needing some uplifting. It smells like happiness and does provide a slight pick me up when I diffuse or smell it. I even made a body oil with it. I feel like when I use it, I go throughout the rest of my day feeling more uplifted and having just a bit more pep in my step.

It smells like creamsicles. I usually drop about 4-7 drops in the diffuser so that the scent fills my room. The more I use the longer it lasts. And it actually does fill up the room. Usually creamsicle scents tend to be weak. 

I love, love, love this oil. 

So much that I use it sparingly. But I already have a backup bottle and will probably end up picking up the larger bottle. I love it that much! 

It's a must have...and if you like citrus blends or creamsicle scents appeal to you, I would recommend it highly! 

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