Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Jennifer Holliday

I'm so excited for Friday. Because Friday is going to be a very good day. A great day. In the meantime, a post about a great singer. I think Jennifer Holiday has the most powerful voice ever, no contest.

I don't know when I heard her...or even my first impression of hearing her sing for the first time. I just know I love, love, love, LOVE And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going. When it comes on when I'm in the car, it goes on max volume and I SANG. Or at least I think I do. I definitely sound horrible. But it's fun to try.

I absolutely love this clip that has a little of Dreamgirls play before it leads to the scene. Also I don't know how that man walked away after she sang to him like that. I don't think anyone has ever sang with as much emotion as tis performance. If I had a time machine I would go back in time and go to this play, this version.

I like this performance too....Because of course I have watched multiple live performances of this song. I love her hair in this clip...and that nail polish. 

Another song I love is I'm On Your Side. The Ultimate friendship song with such beautiful lyrics. And perfect vocals.

And then because sometimes we have to take it to church...my sister showed me this performance. a couple weeks ago. This is a beautiful performance. 

And of course, I can't finish this post without posting this clip from Fresh Prince. Classic. 

And that's all I have. Now I'm going to go listen to some Jennifer Holliday. 

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