Friday, February 28, 2020

Vitamix Spring Green Smoothie

I used to be a green smoothie regular. I've completely fallen off of my smoothie habit, I think I'm ready to get back on. I forgot how much I love them! And how much better I felt when drinking them and working out regularly. Now that I'm booked for Jamaica and I've ordered a few bathing suits, I need to drop at least 10 pounds. 

This recipe came around just in time. 

It has 1/2 cup green grapes, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 1/2 green apple, 1 cup romaine lettuce, 1 cup of kale ( I used baby kale), 1 cup of parsley, 1/2 cucumber, 1 cup frozen pineapple, and 2 cups of ice.

It was mildly sweet and mostly tasted like parsley. I used a bunch of parsley. It is amazingly good for you! And now that I know how good it is in smoothies, I know what to to with the leftovers when I buy it.

It made a TON. I shared a little with my parents....and then downed all the rest of it myself so I'm stuffed. Once it's digested I'm going to get a quick workout in. Just to start the weekend off right.

I really like this one and would recommend it but not for green smoothie begginers! 

I'm late to this song..I never listen to newer music on my own. My sister put me onto this though. And I've been playing it nearly all day. I love how confident she is ❤️ 

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