Friday, March 27, 2020

Princess and the Frog: Swamp Water Smoothie

In these days consuming your fruits and veggies is very important. Gotta keep the immune system all the nutrients it needs so that it does the work in keeping your body healthy. 

I eat massive amounts of fruits for the most part. I don't have a problem eating fruits, but definitely drinking them can be a bit easier for sure.

The name of this smoothie is not appealing at all..but trust me it was good!

I didn't feel like juicing the orange I had so I just chucked the whole thing in the smoothie. I used a vitamin which has no problem blending it it works!

I probably should have chilled the orange though as I didn't think the smoothie was cold enough. But it definitely was naturally sweet. No sugar or honey necessary. 

So all it is 1/2 cup fresh orange juice (1 orange), 1/2 cup of non-fat yoghurt, 1/4 cup blueberries, and frozen banana. Blend and drink!

Yum! And contains quite a bit of Vitamin C due to the orange. 

Love it and will definitely make it again! 

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