Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Plant Therapy Lavender Essential Oil Review

Yes, more Lavender. Although lately, I'm truly been obsessed with Ginger. I want to drink ginger beer, eat ginger candies, and ip on ginger tea ALL day. I'm thinking I should maybe pick up some Ginger Essential Oil...

Anyway back to .Lavender oil.

Plant Therapy claims: 
Lavender or Lavandula Angustifolia, is a full-bodied steam-distilled oil from the flowering tops of the Lavender plant. Known for its many uses, Lavender essential oil is world renowned as one of the world’s most popular and versatile oils, and for good reason!  Lavender has an incredibly sweet, floral, herbal scent and is also highly prized for its many therapeutic properties.
The smell of Lavender alone can help produce a calm, peaceful tranquil environment. Diffuse Lavender essential oil into the air before bedtime to promote peaceful sleep, or add Lavender to your favorite lotion or carrier oil to soothe the skin, and help unwind your senses. Once you try Lavender essential oil you’ll see exactly why it’s a favorite for essential oil lovers!

I've tried a couple of different Lavender Oils. This one at first smelled more herbal but as it was exposed to air it became more and more like the typical Lavender scent. It mellowed out a bit but it still doesn't smell exactly like some of the other Lavender's I've smelled. Some are just a bit more the French Lavender oils. This particular one was produced in Bulgaria. 

There are so many things you can do with Lavender oil, you can make body lotions, scrubs, massage oils, room sprays.....etc and on and on.

It's good at deodorizing, amazing to put on cuts and burns, great for skincare. It's also great for aches and pains.Wonderful for stress relief.  It's one of the most popular oils for very good reason.

I used most of the bottle for diffusion, land I find it mixes well with just about everything. I've mixed it into body oils, face serums, made rollerballs with it.

I found another brand's Lavender oil used to make me go right to sleep. I don't think I get effect with this one. Sometimes Lavender oil gives me energy instead of relaxing. But if you are anxious, it does really help to calm nerves. 

I did burn myself pretty badly the other day...and I put Lavender oil on it. But likely diluted it too much. It helped take the sting out of the burn but it did darken and bubble slightly the next day. Usually applying it straight to my burns prevents that. I've learned my lesson for next time. Straight Lavender and nothing else! 

For me, Lavender oil is a must and this is a very good one. I can see myself purchasing this again and again, especially at the cost/quality that it is. 

I've started to use oils for all kinds of things- digestions, aches and pains ( I twisted my back a couple of weeks ago and applied Frankincense a couple of times and the pain was gone by the next day!), relaxing, diy projects like body oil/cream, all sorts of things! 

Highly recommend.

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