Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Plant Therapy Fractionated Refined Clarified Coconut Oil Review

I finally made up my mind that I was going to buy a Nintendo Switch- I take forever to decide to buy something.  I've been looking at games like Zelda, Mario, and Pokemon and they look so fun especially when you compare them to the old 64 versions of the games. Graphics have come so far!  But now that I know I want one they are all out of stock. Apparently everyone was thinking the same thing with the Qurantine going on. I guess I'll just be checking and waiting. 

In the meantime, let's talk Coconut Oi.

Plant Therapy claims:
 This oil is a “fraction” of virgin coconut oil produced through a heating process. It has excellent moisturizing capabilities, it’s odorless and it’s shelf stable. Which means you won’t have to wrestle with a rock hard tub of coconut oil in the dead of winter (we’ve all been there).
These great properties make Fractionated Coconut Oil an ideal and versatile choice for body and skin care. Here at Plant Therapy, we’ve found some fantastic ways to use this carrier oil and now they’re all in one place

For a couple of years now I've always had a jar of coconut oil. I use it to make my own shea mixes, sometimes I use it in my hair and sometimes I use it on my skin. It's an essential. 

I've never tried Fractionated Coconut oil (except in some pre-made oils I've bought, almost forgot about those) . Fractionated oil is modified to make it remain liquid at room temperature and is often refined and clarified. Which may be why I'm not a big fan. I like my oils to be cold pressed and unrefined. It has the most benefits that way. 

I actually meant to order a different oil but this is the first one that went in my cart and I forgot to double check it. 

I figured I would test it out anyway and ....I'm not a fan. It doesn't have that "coconut" scent because it's refined, but is it really coconut oil if it doesn't have that Coconut scent?

Also it is nice that it is always liquid. It is much easier to work with but it doesn't make my skin feel like the unrefined stuff. My skin feels "crunchy". That probably doesn't make sense but I don't know exactly how else to describe it.

I've been using it to make my own roller balls. Usually I use grapeseed oil or castor but I decided to try what most companies seem to use in roller balls they sell. And I'm not a big fan. I can't use it on my face because Coconut Oil breaks me out on my face- I can use Grapeseed on my face though. It doesn't have any benefits like helping with aches and pains like Castor oil. It just doesn't do much of anything for me.

It does cost $16.95 for 16 ounces which isn't the worst price but it's not the best either. When I compare it to other oils like Grapeseed Oil, which is available right up the road at my local grocery store ,  and I can buy a large container for less that five dollars, it doesn't really make it something I would purchase again but as always I'm glad I tried it and will use up the remaining amount. 

I still love essential oils from Plant Therapy and will probably never stop purchasing those. They have fast, free shipping, and excellent customer service. I just wasn't a big fan of this this oil 

In the meantime I will stick to my grapeseed and regular virgin coconut oil I can buy in the grocery store.  Just dipped into a brand new jar the other day! Also...those come in glass and these come in plastic so that's another plus!

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