Monday, October 19, 2020

DIY Cocoa Vanilla Body Body Butter Bars

 I almost always have a DIY I am using or have tried or working on trying...but I don't usually blog it all. I'm going to try to write posts for them...that way I can keep track of the things I've tried to make. I can easily forget some of the things I've tried and I've actually gone back and found some of my own DIY's that I find helpful for when I forget exactly what I my bug spray I made years ago. I mixed all kind of essential oils and ended up with a mountain dew smelling spray that was amazing. Years later I've forgotten what I blended...but not to worry. I wrote a post on it. 

Anyway I did this DIY a few weeks ago. 

All it is is Cocoa Butter and some essential oil. Essential Oil optional. No measuring. Just make however much you want. For dilution of the oil, you will want to check the max rate you can safely use. 

Just melt the Cocoa Butter. I used a double boiler. It's a more gentle heat source and won't destroy any of the good properties of the Cocoa Butter.

I added some Love Vanilla essential oil. I'm not sure if it made a difference. If you use good quality Cocoa  it will smell like a yummy chocolate bar. I liked it though and would definitely throw it in my Cocoa Bars again. It smells exactly like this pic:

But better. 

Then once it was all melted, I just poured it in the molds and refrigerated until Solid. The first one I used was a half one and I was worried because it was kind gritty. The other one's I've used have been fine. 

They are already all gone. It feels exactly like you are moisturizing with a chocolate bar. It's not greasy, makes your skin super soft, and moisture lasts all day! It's a decadent experience 😁

The only "problem" is because they are Cocoa Butter it takes a little more effort to melt. Especially if it's cold or your body leans more cold like mine. I might add a little Coconut Oil to the next batch. Just to see if I can make them a little softer now that Winter is Coming.

I love easy to make. And you can scent them anyway you like. I want to do some with peppermint, rose, and orange later on down the line. 

Mine had a little leftover cocoa powder left in them from last time I used the mold. It doesn't hurt anything! 

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