Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Plant Therapy Organic Rose Hydrosol Review

 Once upon at time I hated Rose scented things. Mainly because there's not a lot of things that compares to smelling a real rose on a summer or spring day. Do roses bloom in spring? IDK. I think they do. Anyway over the years I have found a few things that measure up to my expectations of rose scented things. And this hydrosolis one of them. It's heavenly! 

Plant Therapy claims:

Distilled from the Rose plant at the highest level of purity to produce a Rose Hydrosol that is USDA Certified Organic.

Hydrosols are the aromatic remains after the steam-distillation process occurs. They are an excellent complement to essential oils because they are gentle enough to be used directly on the skin and are safe enough to use on children and pets.

Rose Organic Hydrosol smells just like a fresh Rose garden and brings a sense of well-being and peace to the senses. Use it as a room or linen spray to help assist with emotions when feeling down or stagnant.

Rose Organic Hydrosol is a wonderful addition to a warm bath when dealing with lower body upset. You can also spritz it on before leaving the house for a fabulous perfume that is light and floral that smells amazing!

Use as room or linen spray to help assist with emotions when feeling down or stagnant. Rose Organic Hydrosol brings a sense of well-being and peace. Add ¼ - ½ cup of Rose Organic Hydrosol to a warm bath to relieve lower body upset.

I spent a few years of my childhood picking and playing with Roses. In my pretend world they were food. I spent a lot time squeezing the "juice" and using the petals as "food' in my pretend world. I think I did that when we lived in Turkey but I'm not 100% sure. Anyway...that's what this smells like. It smells authentic and I love it!

You can use it to take a bath with. I can't be bothered wasting it that way. But I'm sure it would be nice. You can even use it to mist your linens. It would probably be really nice that way too. I just can't bring myself to do it.

I reserve strictly as a facial spray. I'm not sure it does anything for my skin. It's supposed to be good for calming skin. And adding s a little hydration. 

Mostly I use it as an aromatherapy boost. I keep it in the fridge and spray it whenever I need a little pick me up. It's very calming..and I would say makes me feel peaceful like they say. 

My favorite thing about it is the ingredients. It's nothing but Hydrosol- the water leftover when they distill the absolute. No preservatives. No extra junk. Just pure rose JUICE.

There are lot of rose scented makeup sprays on the market. I haven't tried this over makeup or as a refresher spray just because I don't want to waste the "benefits" of the spray by having it absorbed by my makeup. I want all the rosy goodness direct on my face. 

It is organic. Which is probably avoid all the pesticides that can be sprayed on roses and therefore in the spray.

It isn't cheap at $16.95. I got mine during a sale. Not sure exactly how much I paid...but I would say it's worth it. If I didn't feel compelled to try the other hydrosols and have such a long list of other things from the brand , I would probably just buy the big bottle at $40 the next time they have a sale 

No doubt a favorite and I would definitely recommend giving it a try! 

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