Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Face Shop Blueberry Sheet Mask Review

 I really should have taken this week off, but since I didn't I'm trying to make sure to do all the de-stressing I can. Masks are one of the best ways for me to de-stress. I can put on a mask, take a bath and come out a new person. It didn't have quite that effect...cause I have some heavy stuff on my mind. But it helped a little.

The Face Shop claims:

The mask sheet with Blueberry essence (the gifted "super food") replenishes skin's moisture barrier to protect its energy and vitality and help create baby-soft skin.

  • Drenched in a smooth serum with oil / Formula without added parabens 
  • Oriental Herb Extracting Process: The Oriental Herb Extracting Process is our special way of extracting ingredients from oriental herbs. The herbs are ground, roasted and decocted in the traditional way 
  • Air Pocket Pulp Sheet: The air pockets within the sheet contain handful of nutritional essence, providing natural moisture and nourishment to skin.

I just picked this up because I love blueberries. I didn't even read that it was for firming. Which I don't really need on my skin. But..can't hurt either. 

I like to put the mask in the fridge a few hours before I go to use them. It just feels so nice and refreshing to use when you feel that initial cold going on. And cold does de-puff. 

The first thing I noticed was the scent. It's very light, not overpowering at all. But pleasant. Like blueberry bubbly. Or a blueberry champagne smell. With not a lot of blueberry kick..but I liked it. 

I think the shape of it might suit those with an oval shape a little better but it wasn't hard to get on either. I put it on until it started drying out. Then I gave myself a face, neck, hand massage with the rest of the juice in the packet. There was a lot and I don't like to waste.

It didn't break me out. Provided a little hydration. Maybe a little glow. But it didn't do much. Definitely no firming..but then again my skin isn't loose?  But I'm not mad since it was only 99 cents. 

It has some ingredients I'm not a fan of such as glycols, alchohols, etc. But I do like that it has glycerin, blueberry fruit extract, and a couple of other goodies.



I bought a few to try..but I'm not the biggest fan of sheet masks in general. It's a single use plastic product. Which isn't the best for the environment. And I haven't seen a completely natural one yet. But it was a fun little treat..I just don't think I would repurchase. 

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