Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Garlic Parmesan Kale Pasta and Carrot Halwa

 Knocking out two posts before I curl up in bed with a good book. 

Today was cooking day for me. I went to the store yesterday and scored a huge bag of chopped kale for a euro. I was originally just gonna make green smoothies..but I also wanted to make pasta and ended up using google to see if there were any kale pasta recipes. And there was. And I had all the ingredients already to make it. 

I made my pasta from scratch (of course). As I've made it a couple of times, it has gotten easier and easier and takes less and less time to make. Plus you can't beat that fresh pasta taste. It was super easy to make once the pasta was done. Just saute the kale with garlic/butter/olive oil. Add pasta. Pepper. And done. 

It wasn't bursting with flavor. But it was decent. I think I needed to add more garlic. Also, I made fettuccine instead of Angel Hair. 

Check the recipe here

And then I made Carrot Halwa. I found it on the Afghan Recipes website..but decided to look for a recipe using Google. The desserts they post are way too sweet and the instructions are usually unclear. I grated the carrots super fine-it's an arm killer. Mine didn't turn out like the pics I found on google. And I think the red carrots probably would have made it taste better, but you work with what you have. I only added slivered almonds and rosewater. Cause I bought a bottle few months ago that was getting neglected. It's not my favorite dessert. And it's a lot of work. But cool to try. I feel like I need to try it in a restaurant and see how it compares. But as always, super fun to try something new. 

I'm going to eat the rest for breakfast.

Check the recipe here.

Overall, I had a fun cooking day! 

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