Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Ordinary 100% Organic Virgin Chia Seed Oil Review

 In recent news, the very hyped The Ordinary company  has been sold to Estee Lauder. Which has a history of wrecking brands. Hopefully, that will not be what happens with The Ordinary which is a company that made skincare actives affordable and attainable for everyone. A lot of companies have been suffering in the pandemic, color cosmetics are down 20% but skincare has really picked up. Which makes sense. I haven't really bought any new makeup in the last year.

The last haul, I was mostly interest in trying out their oils. The next order I make (won't be until I finish some of what I have) will be the Niacinamide and the Lactic Acid serum.

The Ordinary claims:

This formulation contains 100% pure Chia Seed Oil that is sustainably-sourced, organic, virgin and cold-pressed. This immediately-soothing, calming and nourishing skin oil contains an exceptionally-high concentration of alpha-linolenic acid, an important essential fatty acid, and linoleic, oleic, stearic as well as palmitic acids, together with multiple vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This oil also adds softness, sheen and strength to hair.

Notes: Supplied in UV-protective packaging

Made in Peru

So first off, I'll start off with scent. This oil is virgin and unrefined (the very best type of oils to use for maximum benefits) so naturally it will have a scent. This one is not too bad. In fact, I kinda like it. It smells kinda green. I did see some reviews where people said it was a bit fishy. It can be if you use too much. If you use only a tiny bit...no problem at all! 

It goes on very oily looking. But absorbs pretty easily and once it does, no greasiness whatsoever. It's more a light oil, so perfect for oily/combination skin, which is me. It also leaves a slight glow. Nowhere near what the Sea Buckthorn oil leaves but this oil is much easier to use so it gets points for that.

When I first used it, I noticed it seemed to calm a breakout I had. It calmed within a day! Now with more use, I've noticed it's only true for certain types of breakouts. It doesn't work on them all. But was definitely  worth trying.

It's best to use it on damp skin. It sinks in better and is more hydrating that way. I'm not a fan of oils on dry skin.

Some of the benefits of Chia Seed oil is that it is anti-aging, helps relieve dry skin, reduces frizzy hair, promotes shiny hair, great for ALL skin types, provides UV protection and much more! 

For some reason the site only talked about hair benefits. I haven't actually tried it in my hair though.

I love that the packaging is glass with a dropper. You know I'm a sucker for glass. And it's the darker tinted glass which keeps the product fresher, longer.

Overall, it's a favorite! I'm about half way through my bottle. I used the first half plain, the 2nd half I added some essential oils and Seabuckthorn oil to it to kick the benefits up a notch. I will probably order another bottle to try exclusively in my hair. 


Anyone else think of Chia pets when they think of Chia? I had one of these as a kid and was amazed when it actually started growing! 

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