Sunday, March 7, 2021

Plant Therapy Cocoa Butter Crude Review

 I'm not going to have a chance to blog later, so I'm blogging early. On Cocoa Butter. I love Cocoa Butter. It's excellent for your skin, full of anti-oxidants that are heart healthy, smells like heaven, and makes chocolate. I don't use it often because it's really solid at room temperature so not as easy to work with as some other butters like Shea. It's really a "project" butter unless you are just using it on your face or as a spot treatment on elbows, knees, etc. 

Plant Therapy claims:

Cocoa Butter is the best butter for skin applications. Being rich in Vitamin E, Cocoa Butter reduces dryness, lubricates the skin, and is soothing to all skin types. Its rich, creamy texture, makes it ideal in formulations for lotions, creams, balms, and soaps. 

Our unrefined Cocoa Butter is high quality and has a natural rich, sweet chocolate aroma. It is in its raw state and has not been processed or refined. Please note that this butter is hard and will soften at body temperature or when gently warmed.

Cocoa Butter Crude has been prepared to food grade standards.

I started out with Palmer's pure Cocoa Butter sticks but I can't find those anymore. Went on to use the sticks by CocoCare (think that's the brand), then bought a batch from a cosmetic supplier (thin texture, not very good quality), to this one from Plant Therapy. The Cococare was my favorite, it just was more Cocoa-y and thicker than the other Cocoa Butters. But I can't find that anymore either.

I think this Cocoa Butter is second up. It's not as "thick" as the Coco Care. But it smells amazing and really softens your skin. 

I always get the unrefined version. Plant Therapy has a refined unscented Cocoa Butter, which I can assure you I will never try. 

I've used it in two projects. Cocoa Butter Body Butter Bars. And a whipped butter that had Shea Butter and a bunch of other great for your skin oils. It works wonders for scars, skin irritations, dry patches, stretch marks, etc. 

My DIY Butter. Makes the Cocoa easier to apply all over.

This will run you $25 for a pound which is pretty pricey.

My only real "problem" with the butter is we don't where where it's from. Is it fair trade? Free from child labor? Is it from Africa...South America? Who knows. That's the only thing that really keeps me from purchasing again and highly recommending.

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