Thursday, June 10, 2021

Another Week with Marley Spoon + Herbed Cream Cheese Biscuits

 Another week full of cooking down. Of course I accidentally ordered a box because I can never remember to log in and and skip weeks. I really need to do that now..but will I? Probably not. Maybe tomorrow. Rinse and Repeat. That's exactly how I keep ending up with boxes.

So of course I didn't pick the meals. I think of all the boxes I've gotten this was my least favorite.

1. Surinamese Chicken Sandwich with a side salad and baked fries. I'm so tired of the "fries" that come in these meals. Following their instructions they just don't come out like real fries. I was excited to try a new cuisine type. It was kinda weird because you boil the meat first (which I'm not a fan of) then you mix it into the sauce. The sauce was just too sweet for me and didn't have much depth. I just wasn't a big fan of this meal. 

2. The next one was a herbed chicken with pearled cous cous (I think) tomatoes, roasted red onion and fennel, cucumber, an olive oil lemon dressing with mint and parsley...AND a yogurt sauce. This was my favorite no doubt. I don't think I've had anything else that uses mint so well! It was really fresh and I've learned you can just mix salt/pepper/olive oil, and lemon zest into yoghurt and have a nice sauce. Who know? Easily my favorite of the box. 

Almost forgot it had Sriracha sauce on it too...another reason I loved it! 

3. Crispy Chicken with Peanut Coconut sautéed veggies- So this one....well it was so gross to me I threw it away. I've made a nice peanut sauce and this just wasn't it. And the leeks and carrots just...aren't my first choice of veggies for a meal like this. I really, really hated this one. I did eat a plate and struggled through a mini plate before the rest just went in the garbage. 

And last...I made herbed biscuits.  I've never made herbed biscuits actually. This one has chives and thyme. I used Thyme I grew myself (yay!). And cream cheese and cheddar. They were good. I liked them. I don't think they are as addictive as Red Lobsters there's that. But they were decent. I made little sammiches with them. 

And that's it! 

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