Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Double Chocolate Ice Cream Cones

I finally made ice cream. It's been on my list of things to make for almost forever. I've made banana ice cream where you just blend/process bananas into "ice cream." It comes out really good. But I still wanted to learn how to make real ice cream with milk, eggs, and heavy cream. I bought the Harry Potter book and the 2nd recipe was double chocolate ice cream cones. I love the book because sometimes it has a quick little background and of course, it quotes the book.

I couldn't find the recipe anywhere online...and I don't want to post it from an actual cookbook. But it had lotsa milk, cream, 5 egg yolks, two different types of chocolate, vanilla, etc. All the stuff you expect in ice cream. It's a custard ice cream so you basically make the custard, let it chill and churn it. 

My ice cream maker is broken. It stops every few minutes, so I would have to throw it in the freezer when it stopped and then when it decided to work again, I would take it out the freezer and let it do its thing and repeat. It's annoying but it does turn out ice cream.

I love the soft serve style of this...but of course you have to freeze it. And it get' harder after a day or so. But it was still nice, easy to scoop, and creamy. 

It was better than Haagen Daaz. Something about fresh ice cream. 

I'm not even a fan of chocolate ice cream. But for some reason I was really craving rocky road ice cream. This is obviously not Rocky Road Ice cream but it will do in a pinch. The chocolate almost seems brownie like without having any actual brownie. Something about the texture.

Now that I see how easy it is the make (and messy), I am definitely going to be trying a few more flavors this summer. I'm thinking the next one will be a lemon cookie/custard ice cream for my Dad since he wasn't home for his birthday.

I added a Belgian Cookie to it. Just for presentation. They are the best cookies. Seriously. 

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