Tuesday, June 15, 2021

NARS #12 Brush Review


I'm so excited because tonight, I'm going to continue watching Marvels Wanda's Vision. I love, love, love, LOVE almost all things Marvel. I haven't seen everything..not the shows and a few movies. I didn't realize Wanda's Vsion even existed until we saw it on Disney Plus. So far its amazing and I can't wait to finish it and wish they would make more like it. Well I guess they are since now they have Loki. I think maybe once the first season is done I will check it out. I tried watching Agents of Shield but so far it was extremely boring. I don't think I will be finishing that one. Can't win them all though

Anyway....on to this super old brush I dug out for review. It's long discontinued. But I'm gonna review it anyway.

Nowadays the NARS #12 Brush is a synthetic cream blending brush...looks similar to the MAC 242. Back in the day it was a natural hair, fluffy, mini blending brush. I think it's squirrel hair. I remember when I first got it I remember noticing how soft it was. Softer than most MAC brushes unless they are the white goat hair. 

Anyway...I don't really like this brush. It doesn't have many uses. Maybe blending color on your bottom lashes. I thought it would be good for placing color and making a smoky outer V. But nope. Maybe nice to blend a small area...or if you have smaller eyes/eyelids. But for me, this brush mostly sits unloved and unused. I will still keep it though. Occasionally I dig it out and use it. It will just sit in my collection and caution me to not buy a similar brush from another brand if I ever find one like this since I always love to buy more brushes. 

It's made in China as were all of my NARs brushes. 

It's very well made and looks like the day I bought it. 

I'm not too sad that this one was dinscontinued.

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