Sunday, September 5, 2021

Mariah Carey

This might be a very long post. I've been a Mariah Carey fan for quite a long time. Way back in the day (I was in the 6th grade), my parents bought me my very first stereo system for Christmas and a few CD's. Mariah Careys Rainbow was one of the albums I had that stayed on repeat. My conscious intro to her was the Heartbreaker video that they played constantly. Before that I'm sure I knew her songs, but in a passive way.

My room shared walls with the living Room and I used to blast my little albums, my parents never complained 😂 I'm sure they were sick of me rotating the same few albums. I'm pretty sure I still remember every single word on that album too. 

Then I discovered some of her first albums in my parents CD collection and I found my favorite version of Mariah's voice. The rich, deepness that she seemed to have lost somewhere in the mid-90s. But it's understandable since she was touring a ton and using that whistle register that really can strain and damage your voice. I'm just glad we can relive my favorite version of her voice through old performances and recordings. Her voice definitely changed, and she could still sing better and hit money notes better than most people but I definitely don't enjoy her voice as much as I did before the change. I'm not a fan of the hoarse, not full voice sound of later times, although I do have a few songs in my favorites list with that style.

Anyway....these are my favorite Mariah songs. When I was going through her catalogue I realized she wrote most of her songs too, which is pretty amazing, not all artists/vocalists can write and she wrote some mega hits.

We'll start with the debut album because that is my favorite version of her voice. I also love her look at that time, her hair was so pretty and curly and such a pretty color! 

I love I Don't Wanna Cry. This vid makes me miss the 90's. I love those brown toned makeup looks with natural lashes. Of course, her voice was flawless. I love, love her lower range. 

Sometimes I like playing Breakdown after a long day. I love that it has some of Bone Thugs in it. This song is just restorative to my soul.

Of course, Honey is in the playlist. Mariah really had a gift for making care-free, I'm so sprung songs. I love this one. 

Always Be My Baby is one of my favorite songs by Mariah Carey. It never fails to lift my mood and have me smiling and bopping. 

Actually I don't know which song I love more, the last one or this one. I LOVE this song. Also, love the roller blading in the video. Makes me want to go roller blading now. 

Boyz to Men (one of my fave groups of all time) and Mariah. Yes please. Beautiful song-although sad, Beautiful Lyrics, and Beautiful Voices. 

We Belong Together was THE song of 2005. They played this every other song on the radio and I loved every second of it and never got tired of it. I bought the album in Walmart because I loved this song so much. She shouts out Bobby Womack and Babyface too?  Still love this song too..

Emotions. I love this song. And this live performance? It's everything. I think performing this live with the whistle register notes is what damaged her voice. Maybe this is my favorite Mariah song? There are so many to choose from. But I'm going with this. Also, I love this look. This is the Mariah Carey look for me.  Also you can tell this is the most comfortable she has ever looked on stage in her whole career.

I love songs about Friendship. She definitely had a couple, and this was a great one! Loving the gospel elements

For this song- If It's Over- the vocals 😍. I mean, wow that voice and range. This performance is beautiful. I think this is one of the best performances from her vocally, and it's crazy that it really doesn't have many views.

You're Mine is probably the newest song of hers that I like. I listened to her last album and wasn't really into it. But I do love this song and will turn it all the way up when it comes on when I'm in the car. Also...umm ..why is Trey so fine?

Dreamlover is my jam too! I feel like this video was still played all the time when I first started watching vids on MTV. When I think of Mariah Carey music vids, this is the one that always pops in my head. 

Without You is another one that really shows off her range. I love trying to sing along with this one, but my ears don't appreciate it. 

And now Heartbreaker. From my very first Mariah album. I wore that CD out. It takes me right back. I love how music does that. I had probably seen the music video about 5 billion times because they played it a LOT. Was this the first pop song with a rapper on it? I read that somewhere but I'm not sure?

And last, Thank God I Found You. Mariah and Joe? Yes, Yes, Yes. Two Songwriting geniuses. 

More Faves: 
Alone in Love 
My All- This kinda reminds me an Adele song that was on her latest album. I wish she sang it more full voice instead of just at the end. 
Open Arms 
Touch My Body 
Don't Forget About Us 
Loverboy- I had the Glitter album, I got that one for Christmas too!
All I Want For Christmas- I play this every Christmas 
Hero- Love this one! 

That was a lot of songs. But truly Mariah is one of my very favorite artists. There's probably not a person on earth that doesn't know who she is..but I thought I would still do the post and share my favorites. 

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