Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Viseart Dark Mattes- Swatches on Dark Skin


I'm not ready to review this quite yet but when I got my last palette I realized I never really swatched this one. And with 3 (yes 3 😳) more Viseart palettes en route to me, I figured I would just go ahead and swatch them out. 

I wanted this one since I had seen it because it was so unique and I have heard nothing but great things about Viseart from all the pro's- I'm in a Facebook Pro group for artists and they rave about Viseart. The owner is also in the group and she is so passionate and responsive to posts...which made me really want to try the brand. When it went on sale for half price, I just went ahead and ordered. I bought three singles too but I am giving 2 of them to my sister. They are a little less pigmented and I would really need some complimentary colors to make them work but I think they would look amazing on her skin tones/colouring. 

Anyway...so I took the plunge. I can't tell you that I think they are worth $80. I need to use it more. But so far I really have enjoyed pairing this with my other shadows. I have noticed they are extra blend-able, wear extremely well, and stay true to the color they were when I put them on. I started comparing them to similar shades I had from Smashbox and these beat those hands down. Some of them went on way too dark and blackened, they were stiff and patchy, and oxidized with wear. So I happily re-purposed them and replaced them with these. Here's my initial impressions and hopefully once day I will do a really detailed review. 

Toffee - I am crazy for brown eyeshadow. For some reason, I just think you can never have enough. I did a comparison with some of the others in my collection and this is the best all over brown shade for me. So many of them are slightly ashy, this matches my lids perfectly and is a great one for building a more natural eye or a base for a smoky eye. I already am scared of using it it up and I have a big ol' pan of it! 

Hazelnut- This one is a deeper brown, not as pigmented. So far, I like it. . I like that it's not too cool. I'm still comparing it to other colors in my collection but I like that it doesn't oxidise and it's not patchy at all! 

Sienna- This is a pretty color that I think will be a very used color for me. It goes with so many of my other colors. I think it's solid and great quality.

Sepia- This is the exact brown I have wanted in my collection for forever, but for some reason I haven't really reached for it. It's a reddish brown that shows up that way on my eyes. So many don't go on reddish brown. Definitely gotta use it more.

Pinot- I don't remember if I've used this shade of purple on my lids yet, it's very pretty but I'm not sure what to match it with? Maybe a cranberry shade or I think I have some purples in the Urban Decay Vice 3 that will compliment it. I need to pull those out.

 Beaujolais-I did test this one out and in one look it was nice and in the other one, I didn't think the purple was very apparent in it. It went on a little too blackened to me instead of a rich muted eggplant purple. I'm gonna keep using it though, I need to test it more. UPDATE- Still coming out too dark. Probably my least face in the palette, it's not horrible, but could be better

Circumin- A bright and yet muted orange. I only have one other recently acquired bright orange, I need to play with it more, I'm not sure how I want to wear it. I did build it up on my lid once with a yellow and it built really nicely.

Persimmon- I live for red/orange shadows, I'm not sure why I haven't been tempted to touch this one. I think it's because I have my favorite from NYX and just haven't been tempted to use this. The quality is nice though.

Myrtille- This is a pretty gray-blue. I haven't really played with it much, I really like the color in the pan though...my muted blue shadow collection isn't strong. I need a complimentary shimmer to try with this...or maybe just match with the first shade?

Minuit- This shade really did it for me! I have never found a good navy shade until this one. Actually I don't know if this is navy exactly. Close enough. All of my navy blues are horrible, I have wanted a nice quality one for forever! And this one is it. I was working on panning an old L'areal Hip shadow and I matched it with every blue in my collection, and I was blown away until I matched it with this. It has some vibrancy, or extra life to it that just made the look come to life! I couldn't stop looking at it. Because of this shadow, I wanted to try more.....so I have two more on the way in other palettes and I can't wait to get my hands on them! 

Foret- I'm not really crazy about green shadow, I have a favorite one from NYX in Exotic Green that took awhile for me to make work...now that I know how to work it, I love that one. I did play around a little bit with this...and I think it will take some time for me to come up with a go to green look. This is a very unique shade in my collection and I am up for the challenge!

Olive- And last but not least another unique green. I was going through a phase of really wanting the Melt Gemini palette even though I don't think it will look as amazing on me as it does on some other people I've seen it on. It's OK so far. I need to play with it more. I might try mixing it with some of the other shades that are on their way to me. I think I want to make it more neon looking. On it’s own it is very subdued. Probably won’t be a favorite of mine. Will update if I change my mind though…UPDATE- Tried this with Sugarpills Continue Eyeshadow and I'm a fan now. I guess I needed that perfect yellow green to match it with...

And there are most of my thoughts so far. I'm going to continue playing with it, I have a lot of shadows to rotate so it takes time but I'll get there! 

Now I'm off to watch a good thriller...

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