Monday, October 4, 2021

Biscuits for Breakfast (Chicken Biscuits) and Custard (Cherry Custard Pudding)

 I'm trying to save my food posts until I have at least two things instead of just one little thing. So sometime in the past couple of weeks I made chicken biscuits and today I layered a custard from my Harry Potter cookbook to make a cherry custard trifle. It was supposed to be for a dessert called Knickerbocker Glory. I've never tried one...and didn't really want to make one now just because it calls for a lot of stuff you don't make: ice cream, jell-o...although I guess I could make it from scratch but I don't think it would be worth it. It just seems like something you would order from somewhere. 

But let's talk the chicken biscuits first. This recipe was just next on my list to try...but I thought I would jazz them up and try to turn them into a chicken biscuit. I probably shouldn't have though. The biscuit part came out great. But it just doesn't hold up to making it into a sandwich. It crumbled apart. But on it's own it was very good. I think it's the first biscuit I've made that called for an egg.

Click here for the recipe.

Anyway, I won't be putting Chic-Fil-a out of business anytime soon. But it was fun to try. 

Next...the custard recipe from the Harry Potter book. I made a cherry reduction, some whipped cream and bought some almond cookies. Layered them all together with the custard..which was easy to make but has some issues. It really thickened up when I was making it...and then thinned all the way out. was a little salty. I made a custard or pastry cream years ago that came out amazing...and this just didn't. I would stick to making this pastry cream/custard if I needed more. It truly was great and also explained in a way that is just not covered in the Harry Potter book.

And...that's all! 

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