Monday, December 13, 2021

Marvin Gaye

 And more Motown. That's three Motown artists in a row. But if you've been reading my music posts, you might know that I love, love, love Motown. 

There was a point in my childhood that I thought Marvin was my Dad's favorite artist. He had a few records, and -I think- played his music quite a bit. At some point, my Dad said that Marvin was actually his Dad's favorite (he passed away before I was born), it's probably one of the first things my Dad told me about his Dad, so that's who I think of every time I think of Marvin now. Good taste in music, .is generational it seems.

I really love his music's timeless and amazing how you can hear his influence in some more recent artist. Often does the saying go? 

I actually took the time to listen to most of his catalogue and a lot of his early stuff was surprising. It took a while for him to get that sound he's know for- I read somewhere he really wanted to be  just likeNat King Cole, which I'm glad that didn't work out for him because I'm not the biggest fan of Nat (his music is  a little boring). 

Here are my faves:

This version of Marvin was a complete surprise to me, I was used to beard having, sexual healing crooning Marvin. I didn't know anything about this sound. Or maybe I kinda did...but not really.

Is this the ultimate cookout song? I think it is. I think I like the record a little bit more because of all the "layers" to the song. 

I think How Sweet It Is to Be Loved By You is one of my favorite, favorites. When I hear it I become the lead singer AND THE  back up singers, it's one of those happy, make you feel good songs.

After the Dance is more of that MARVIN sound. Love this many beautiful layers. It's a party for your ears 😁

Couldn't find a live version of this one...but you might recognize some of this sound, G- Unit sampled it for a song that came out when I was in middle school. Somehow I heard that before this masterpiece. If someone played this song for me..all I would have to say is "I'm coming to live witchuuuuuuuu" 

This song is HOT. 

Too hot for words. I could probably listen to it on repeat one million times and never get tired of it. This one just does it for me.

Oooh, I love this song. I think there are a couple of Motown versions of this song. But Marvins is my favorite. I've been in love with this song since I heard it back in grade school.

Let's Get It On...I mean does this song need words?  It's yet another masterpiece. It's so good I have to put two performances on here.

Love this one too. Couldn't find a live version of this song...but I live for the record so it's alright. 

Just to Keep You Satisfied took a little while to grow on me...but once it did.... It's one of those songs that puts you under a spell. I listen to it every time like it's the first time I've heard it. 

Was Marvin the originator of the "bedroom" sound? I feel like he was. soon as I hear that "Babbbbbbbbbbbbby". I love this song! If you really take the time to listen to the there anyone that can sing these lyrics and not sound ridiculous? I'm hot just like oven, I need some lovin'. I think not. Only Marvin.

Takin it back to Motown...this one was penned by Smokey. I actually never heard this one until just a few years ago. Love it! 

Can't find a live version of this one, I've heard a ton of artists do this song. Of course, Marvin's is my fave. 

Trouble Man is a must have, this one has been sampled quite a bit too. The lyrics, that sax....I've probably heard this song a billion times but I still don't have the fast part down. I need to work on that. 

T Plays it Cool is just an instrumental. Usually I'm not into those that much- unless it's live and I'm in the audience because I like lyrics to capture my attention. But I like this.

His songs with Tammi Terrell were just plain magic. I loved them singing together. This one is If I Could Build My Whole World Around You.

More Marvin and Tammi Terrell Magic in Your Precious Love. Why aren't there live clips 😩

Ain't No Mountain High Enough is a classic, I remember somehow I ended up with the Diana Ross version and was so confused! The only version I want to hear (99 percent of the time) is the Tammi/Marvin version. They are too cute!

Their version of If This World Were Mine took a little while to grow on me. I mean, the version that Luther did with Cheryl is one of my top favorite songs...ever. And I grew up with that version. But I came around. I do really like this one though. It has a different vibe.

The What's Going On album is epic. It may of the greatest albums of all time. Timeless too.

Inner City Blues is another favorite, the subject matter is still (sadly) relevant today. 

What's Going On is a song I heard once and couldn't get enough of.  What more can you say? Also still relevant today.

Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing is a classic I grew up with but not this version. But actually I think this one is my favorite. 

...You're All I Need to Get By. I also grew up on this song- but not this version. This one is also my favorite version of the song. Just more of that Marvin and Tammi magic. They are one of my favorite duos!

Last but not least...the Star Spangled Banner. I've listened to a lot of versions of this, and this one (And Whitney's) are the very BEST. This man made the Star Spangled Banner his. Sounds all smooth, I would listen to this just because. And that almost never happens, not with these type of songs.

So..without a doubt this is the longest music post I've done. Clearly, I love Marvin's music. I'm still waiting on them to do a movie on his life. I thought the guy that was in Law and Order- Jesse L Martin- would have been perfect to play him. I think it might be too late now though.

Anyway, I'm off to jam to some more Marvin. And I recommend you do too! 

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