Friday, December 24, 2021

Vitamix Sweet Potato Soup with Seared Tomatillos and Chocolate Macarons

 Figured before I settle in to enjoy my Christmas Eve I would knock out a quick post. 

Last weekend I made Sweet Potato Soup, it was supposed to take around  45 minutes, try more like three hours....

I've done a lot with Sweet Potatoes but I don't think I've made it into a soup yet. Actually I think I will try to incorporate it more into soups...I think it would go especially good with lentil soup. Lentil soup is one of my favorite soups to just free hand- I've mixed it with pumpkin and all kinds of things that made great soups. 

The recipe originally called for smoked pork or ham...but I don't really eat pork so I subbed it with some smoke flavoring. Which I kinda overdid a little bit. The soup ended up tasting a little extra smokey and because of the texture it felt more to me like a chicken or steak sauce. It was ok as a bowl of soup..but if I made it again, I would definitely make less..and grill a lot of chicken or some steak to go with it and serve it over rice too.

Cooking with the Tomatillos was interesting. The flavor was familiar to me, even though I don't think I've ever had them...they kinda tasted like these hot lollipops I used to eat in Texas. At first I didn't like it, it was a sour, peppery taste but the more I ate it, the more I did like it, especially on top of chicken. But I'm not sure I would start buying them up all the time, I didn't even buy the amount the recipe called for and they were about $8. 

I also tried to make Macarons too. They also took hours..because I tried to do some extra tips I found online such as grounding the flour with the powdered sugar....and a few other things I can't remember. I also halved the recipe. Panicked a little when my chocolate didn't melt correctly and ended up using cocoa powder instead. Trying to sift it was a pain in the butt, it took me forever to push the almond flour/sugar mixture through the sifter...

My Macarons didn't develop "feet" but they are probably the best chocolate cookie I've ever tasted. Macarons are notoriously finicky. But I think I did a good job. I did also only make a quarter of the recipe which I think also caused a few issues. But likely it was just my lack of experience with the technique.

After all the time I spent in the kitchen just making the shells, by the time I got to the filling I was exhausted so I made the simplest ganache with heavy cream. It tasted amazing but doesn't really look like your typical filling.

This was probably a little too advanced for me, I would definitely try a more basic recipe next time. 

You can find the recipe here.

Random: My tea haul came in! I was running crazy low but this arrived just in the knick of time. 

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