Sunday, January 23, 2022

Mary Wells


Surprise! More Motown music. They produced some of the best 60's and 70's music after all. I always have a hard time forgetting they survived past that time, but that's a post for another day.  She was one of the least known Motown artists to me surprisingly. I didn't really know her songs until I went out of my way to listen to her. But I do really love her voice.

 Her most recognizable song for me was My Guy, even then I was more familiar with the Diana Ross/The Surpemes version of the song. I'm not sure which I like more and have both in my music collection. Her version is definitely more stylized/proper sounding.

I think Two Lovers might be one of her most popular songs. This song was penned by Smokey Robinson like the first one. I'm not sure when I first heard this one, but I don't think I ever listened carefully to the lyrics until quite recently. I thought the song meant something different 😂. Spoiler: He's one lover, he's just got two personalities. The bridge is important.

Next up Operator, I'm always surprised when I look this one up and see it doesn't have many views. It's also Smokey penned, there's another version by Brenda Holloway, but this one is my favorite version of the song.

You Beat Me To The Punch might be my favorite Mary Wells song! I love this one, I can play it on repeat. Again, penned my Smokey. Who's surprised?

Can you guess who wrote this one? This one is another one of my favorites, It's The One Who Really Loves You. I can listen to this one on repeat too...

Somehow, I kinda forgot how much I really love these songs! If you like Motown and you don't know Mary, you should give these a listen. They are golden....

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