Friday, March 4, 2022

Lush Don't Look at Me Fresh Face Mask Review

 It's mask time! I got this mask free by bringing in 5 empty Lush pots.  I really love that program. In house recycling for the win. Surprisingly...through all the Lush stuff I've tried this is only my 2nd free face mask. I think I had some empty pots in the states, I will have to look when I go back. I didn't typically buy the stuff in packing before- except the face masks. 

Lush claims:

Smooth a rich layer of this vibrant blue mask over the skin and allow it to sink in for 10-15 minutes before gently removing with warm water. Pair with other toning products such as Jade Roller naked cleansing balm, Light Touch naked facial oil, or Enzymion moisturiser.

I'm pretty sure I bought this one because it's bright blue. I guess I can't resist a fun colored face mask....

This is a fresh face mask...and probably way past expiration but I keep them until I use them up unless they go off- so if it starts smelling strange or the color changes or I find something growing in it I will throw it out but otherwise, I just keep using it. 

I haven't been using it as much as I should. I get lazy. Really lazy. I've been trying to use it once a month but I've truly been slacking. I notice they give these out in a smaller size than before...but even so you still get a ton of uses and it will last forever.

I did notice that this seemed to lose oil in the fridge as soon as I brought it home. IDK if the packaging was faulty or it was particularly oily but it definitely dried out a little. I have to make sure my face is wet to really spread it on otherwise it just falls right off or doesn't spread.

It's a little chunky with exfoliating bits, so when you rinse it you can use it as a mild scrub. A 2 in one, which I like and find that to be true of most Lush masks. Helps get some dead skin off which means brighter, fresher skin.

Which seems to be it's main claim. I guess it's brightening? I think my skin has been pretty bright it doesn't really need help in that department. It might have been better to grab this when my skin is more on  the dull side (but it's not a problem I have had lately.)

I do feel like my skin looks nice afterwards- it is glowy and feels really hydrated. And of course, it feels a bit smoother. 

The scent is OK. Not a favorite. Kind of a citrusy scent. Reading the ingredients it does say grapefruit and neroli...IDK. But the scent in a face mask doesn't matter too much to me as long as it works and doesn't smell horrendous.


Kaolin, Fresh Lemon Juice, Glycerin, Rice Syrup, Ground White Rice, Organic Silken Tofu, Murmur Butter, Bentone Gel, Rice Milk, Grapefruit Oil, Neroli Oil, Water, Citral, Farnesol, Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool, Perfume, Colour 

Overall, I like it. It's not life changing. I would definitely pick it up again if I had 5 empty pots. But more than likely I would grab something new before I picked it up again. 

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