Sunday, October 16, 2022

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread, Fajitas, and Chai-E-Zanjafeel (Ginger Tea)

 Quick post today. All about the new recipes I made this past week.

Starting off with Nutella. Yes, I made Nutella, and yes it took hours. Definitely won't be making it again. I got the recipe from my Vitamix cookbook and it made things harder than they needed to be with lack of instruction. First you make the caramel. Which took longer because I wasn't sure how long to heat the first time I poured it out it was just syrup. Tried it again and googled a random temp to use, it worked. But got stuck to the foil because thats what they advised pouring the caramel out on. When it hardened I could barely get it all off. So I just subbed sugar. Very annoying. Then I roasted the hazelnuts which was the easiest part, rubbing the skins off was easy but annoying. Threw everything in the blender and didn't really come out the texture I was thinking it should have. But I think that's because this "Nutella" has way more nuts in it than actual Nutella and was just impossible to smooth. It had the texture of almond butter. I knew I wouldn't use it to spread on toast or make crepes like I usually do, so I made a hazelnut chocolate brownie adapted from this almond butter brownie recipe. The first try wasn't the greatest but I made it two more times this past week and feel like I perfected it. More cocoa powder and a splash of milk made the perfect chocolate cake. I think it's one of my absolute favorite chocolate cakes I've tried.  Almost worth all that work, I think I will try to make my own chocolate hazelnut recipe using just hazelnut flour. Nice gluten free option.

Then I made fajitas. I still have so much Masa Harina to get I made tortillas. I need to find  another use for it since I don't reallllly like making tortillas. I found a few recipes for drinks you can make with it so I'll be trying it in the coming weeks. This was a throw together so no real recipe.

And last up, an Afghan Ginger Tea Recipe. Who needs bagged ginger tea? This doesn't look that great but it really did taste nice with a perfect ginger kick. And no need to peel and chop ginger. Perfect for sore throats, upset stomach's, nausea and more! I really liked the chopped Walnuts, wasn't sure about it but might just start chopping and adding random nuts to my tea. I really scaled this down and eye-balled everything though...but you can find the recipe here.

That's all...until next time😁

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