Sunday, May 7, 2023



One more post for today since it's a music post and will be a quick. Outkast has some serious fans. Or at least that's the vibe I always get from the comments on their music. I'm not a big fan but I do like some of their music. These are some of my favorites. 

We'll start with Ms. Jackson. I remember hearing this one in elementary's just a classic.

Next up, In Due Time. This was on the Soul Food soundtrack which my Dad had so I heard it whenever he would play the soundtrack. Which was a lot. I didn't really listen to the lyrics until I got older. When I finally did pay attention to the lyrics I realized how motivational they were. It showed a side of Outkast that I didn't realize was there before.

Last one, Git Up, Git Out. I feel like I know a few people that could benefit from hearing this song. It's my second favorite for sure. Music with a message, my favorite kind.

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